Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Trash Day

It’s garbage day. Just like every other Tuesday. At least it’s trash day for my neighborhood. The entire neighborhood is told when to have their trash out on the curb.  And everyone complies. We agree to the days on which we can put our trash out, and we agree on what we can and cannot throw out. But does anyone really monitor what we throw out? I think about this as I bundle up my trash.

Everyone bundles all the things they don’t want into plastic bags. Sometimes we put them in containers. Sometimes loose bags are accepted (on bulk pickup days). Today was not a loose container day.  As the darkness of night faded away, all these things I don’t want in the house are poured and stuffed into their plastic wraps. I laugh quietly as I further stuff the bags into the large containers and put them by the curb. It’s still early and pretty dark out.  I don’t think anyone else is around to even observe the moment.

As some point, a truck is going to come by and scoop up the bins and dump them into a larger bin. It will move its way down the street, adding everyone’s crap together. These trucks are pretty advanced now, and an automated arm does the heavy lifting, so a human won’t even have any idea how heavy (or light) my trash is compared to others. My trash mixes in with hundreds of others. It gets compacted down. Everything gets crunched down. Everything gets smashed into smaller mixed pieces. Pieces mix together into unidentifiable collections of crap.

Then the truck eventually will make its way off to some plant. Other trucks all meet together. The entire city of compacted parts and pieces mixes together. Mixing, smashing, breaking, and further away from me it all goes.  I wonder when the trash becomes untraceable. Can anyone find out what I’ve thrown away? Once trash is gone from the house, is it gone forever? Once the bags hit the truck, who could know what is my trash versus my neighbors? I’m not sure if anyone could do that, but I guess it’s possible. Will anyone go through my trash? Or is it finally gone forever? 

Friday, July 1, 2016

30 Minute Dash

I've been languishing in my daily goals lately. The excuse I keep throwing out is because work has been keeping me pretty busy. However, when I really look at it, that first hour or so of the morning where I am sitting, mindlessly surfing, sipping coffee and looking at various community forums for dogs, jeeps, photography, etc. I could be so much more productive!  But I am not.

So, today, July 1st, I am giving myself 30 minutes to write a blog post. What should I write about? My mind wanders aimlessly, thinking about several "writable ideas:

Idea #1 - Damp Paws

One of the two dogs that languishes at my feet, her paws damp from her morning "business" outside. It seems like there is something poetic about that, but I've already written about her paws. Still, never abandon an idea just because you've written something similar before. It doesn't matter, she woke up and started preening herself. Yuck!

Idea #2 - Wranglin' for Younger Days

Then I remember the jeep that is coming to me in short order from NY. My folks are retiring to SC and no longer have a need for it. No one else wanted it, so I jumped at the chance to "inherit" the jeep. Taking that soft top off, and the side doors off speaks to the freedom of youth. I can picture myself cruising with the dogs in the back, wind whipping past all of us while we enjoy the mountainous scenery of Colorado. Not only does that ride sound writable, but it speaks to getting back to my youth where I had less responsibility. Kind of fitting that it's a Jeep Wrangler. Maybe there's something there.

Idea #3 - Drip Drip Sip

I just took the last sip of coffee from my mug. I've been trying to reduce my caffeine intake lately so am resisting the urge to go back for my second cup, because that's all I get. I do find that waiting for the first cup rather intoxicating in and of itself though. The coffee maker drips every few seconds, and it only takes about ten minutes to brew up to the "6 cup" marking. Funny how that only makes two cups for me though.  It seems the pattern in the dripping is almost musical. It finishes with a chime to let me know it's done brewing too - beep beep beep! Makes me wonder if there's a coffee symphony in there for me to write about.


Each idea tugs at me in different ways, and I curse myself for not being able to make up my mind. After all, I've only given myself 30 minutes to knock out 500 words today. Finally, it comes to me! What if I were to write a short paragraph on each? Would that be entertaining to a reader? Will it fill 500 words? Damn! Why can't I come up with a spur of the moment idea and just run with it - I always seem to stall myself and procrastinate until it's too late. Oh well! There goes another day of writing time lost...or is this a win?

Monday, June 13, 2016

High School Memories

When I was a young kid in high school, I was a swimmer. Not like the swimmers today who go through strength conditioning, video reviews of stroke efficiency, and all the technological advancements of today. I was kind of like Michael Phelps too – tall, and in great shape, but also somewhat gangly. It didn’t help my dating possibilities that I was something of an outsider. (I had moved to upstate NY in the 8th grade, after most cliques had formed.) I also was not all that confidant with girls yet either. I didn’t have any game back then…kind of like I am today!
So, I had a decent physique, but was certainly not an A-Lister. Even now, looking back, I wonder whether I even rated a B-Lister. I liked to swim and play baseball, but I also liked chess! And math! And Dungeons and Dragons! I also was in the choir, and was in a theater show or two. To top it all off, because my dad was a French professor, we also had several Exchange students stay with us over the years (yes, I hung out with them too!)  I was part athlete, park geek, part Thespian, and partly brainy. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore today. The point here really was that I wasn’t part of any “in crowd” for sure.

Like any high schooler, I had a crush. Part of the rite of passage into adulthood I think requires some measure of unrequited love. To preserve her identity, I’ll only use her first name: Dawn. Dawn was an A-Lister, and definitely one of the in-crowd. Popular, liked, and quite attractive, she made my heart skip a beat every time we had a class together. It’s no wonder in the classes we shared I only was a B- student.

Then on a spring day, one of the classes we shared went on a field trip together. I forget where we went, but it was warm enough to where everyone was in shorts and t-shirts. We were all in our various smaller cliques, roaming around when a short storm came through the area.

I’ll never forget this storm! We were all stuck easily a mile or so from the bus, and everyone started dashing back for safety. It was a cold rain, and with its arrival, the temperature also dropped at least 10-15 degrees, slicing through the humidity.  Being a swimmer, I was faster than many (but nowhere near the fastest), and made it back to the bus in time to get one of the coveted bench seats toward the back. My clothes were a drippy mess (like everyone else’s, my shirt clinging to my body, and slightly out of breath). Students started piling into the bus, and finding seats…then Dawn came on board. She was wearing a white shirt and some kind of denim overalls. All her decency was intact, but she looked about as much like a goddess as I could remember.

Being the A-lister that she was, she started toward the back of the bus, and upon arriving near the back, saw that all the seats but one were taken – the one next to me! She gave me the most dazzling smile I had ever seen at the time. Maybe it was her lips wet from the rain. It could have been the fact that her clothes were plastered to her shoulders and hips. Or maybe it was the way her hair naturally clung to those cheeks of beauty. She was a goddess!

Dawn shrugged her shoulders slightly and asked if she could sit next to me. I tried to play it off as being cool, shrugging myself, and scooted more toward the window to give her space. She climbed on in and we talked briefly about the rain, how wet we all were, and laughed at the situation. By then, everyone was accounted for, and the bus in all its diesel glory rumbled to life, and we started home, the rain pattering on the windows, blurring my already blurry vision even more.

The next thing that happened, I’ll never forget. Maybe it was the gentle plinking of the rain against the roof of the bus or the fact that the heater that was kicked on to warm everyone up from the drenching we’d all just received. But anyway, the bus got quiet. Everyone started dozing off…before I knew it, Dawn turned her sleepy eyes toward me, dazzling with the still dewy eyelashes and asked if she could rest her head.

I leaned up against the side of the bus, and she laid her head down against my chest. Thankfully, it was to my left, so she couldn’t tell my heart was racing like Secretariat. Her head fell heavy against my chest and shoulder, her lips pressed into a light smile and her arm wrapped around my waist. For the next 45 minutes, all I could do was stare out the window at the blurred greenery of the Adirondacks. The bus rocked along, the rain, plinked melodiously against the roof, and she nuzzled in to me breathing peacefully and sleepily.
Because she was in the crook of my shoulder and chest, my right arm naturally fell down across hers and we dozed fitfully to the sound of the rain, the warmth from the diesel engine, and the swaying of the bus. To this day, that was the best nap of my life.

When it lurched to a stop back at the high school, we were all still damp, but much warmer, and everyone sleepily lifted their heads. Our eyes locked, and I think she realized the crush. I was, of course, speechless and had no idea what to do… (what gangly, teenage outsider would?). She did – her lips planted themselves softly against my cheek and her arm moved as she put her hand across my abdomen. She quietly whispered, “Thanks for the snuggle Jason, that was nice.” in my ear and stood up to disembark.

No Dawn, thank you! Believe me, the pleasure was all mine.